In this article, we will discuss the newly launches Agnipath Scheme. The contents of this article will include
- Introduction
- Service
- Salary & Benefits
- Compensations
The Indian Armed Forces are under the management of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the Government of India, in which there are mainly 3 services –
- The Indian Army: has 1,237,117 active personnel and 960,000 reserved personnel
- The Indian Airforce: has 170,576 active personnel and 140,000 reserved personnel
- The Indian Navy: has 67,252 active personnel and 75,000 reserved personnel
Overall, in the Indian Defence Force, there are approximately 14.5 lakh active and 11.5 lakh reserved military personnel.
As we know, one can join Indian Armed Forces at two levels, one at the officer level and the other at the soldier level.
officer level entrants are called commissioned officers.
Further, we know There are 2 types of commissions in the Indian armed forces
- PC: Permanent commission
- SSC: Short service commission
A Permanent Commission means a career in the armed force till retirement, while Short Service Commission is for 10 years, with the option of either leaving or opting for a Permanent Commission at the end of 10 years. If an officer doesn’t get Permanent Commission then, the officer can choose a four-year extension.
So at the officer level, one has the option to join as permanent or short service, but in the case of soldier level
there was only one type of entrance, the permanent one, in which personnel had to complete their 15 years of service to get post-retirement benefits like pension, CSD facilities, free medical facilities, etc.
But now this entry is replaced by the newly launched Agnipath Scheme. The personnel joining the Indian Armed forces through this scheme would be called agniveers and will serve the Indian Armed forces for a duration of 4 years including the training period.
Service of Agniveers will commence from the date of enrolment. They will give 3.5 years of service following the 6 months training period in Indian Armed Forces.
Grant of leave will be subject to exigencies of the organization. The following leave may be applicable for Agniveers during
their engagement period:-
- Annual Leave: 30 days per year
- Sick Leave: Based on medical advice
Distinctive insignia will be worn by the Agniveers on their uniform during their service period. Detailed instructions shall be issued separately.
Based on organisational requirements and policies promulgated, Agniveers who are completing their engagement period in each batchwill be offered an opportunity to apply for enrolment in the regularcadre of IAF. These applications will be considered in a centralisedmanner by the IAF, based on an objective criteria including performance during their engagement period and not more than 25% of each specific batch of Agniveers will be enrolled in regular cadre of the IAF, post completion of their four year engagement period.
Agniveers so enrolled as regular cadre would be required to serve for a further engagement period of 15 years and will be
governed by terms and conditions of service (of Junior Commissioned Officer/ Other Ranks in IAF) currently in vogue (as amended from time to time). Agniveers will not have any right to be selected. Selection will be exclusive jurisdiction of the IAF.

Medical and CSD Facilities: For the duration of their engagement period in IAF, Agniveers will be entitled for medical facility atService Hospitals as well as CSD provisions.
Agniveers will not be eligible for any kind of pension or gratuity, neither will they be eligible for Ex-Servicemen Contributory HealthScheme (ECHS), Canteen Stores Department (CSD) facilities, ExServiceman status, and other related benefits.
Death during engagement period on Bonafide duty
- Insurance Cover of Rs 48 lakhs.
- One-time ex-gratia Rs 44 Lakhs.
- Full pay for unserved period upto four years (wef date of death) including Seva Nidhi Component.
- Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi fund including interest and Goi contribution.
Death in Service not on duty
- Insurance cover of ₹48 Lakhs
- Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi fund including interest and Goi contribution.
Disability* (attributed/aggravated due to service conditions)
- One-time ex-gratia based on % of disability
- Between 20% and 49% : ₹15 Lakhs
- Between 50% and 75% : ₹25 Lakhs
- Between 76% and 100% : ₹44 Lakhs
- Full pay for unserved period upto four years (wef date of disability) including Seva Nidhi Component
- Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi fund including interest and Goi contribution.
So these were major points of Agnipath Scheme.
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